There were a lot of papers and pictures scattered around in the room, and the twenty-two- or twenty-three-year-old man with blue eyes was looking at one picture after another with red eyes. He would put the picture to the side for a while, then pick it up, and then his blue eyes flashed with a strange light. After that, the picture was in his hand and his blue eyes flashed with a strange light.
- While he was busy with the post-mortem of the picture, the sound of the door opening interrupted his work. He looked at the newcomer with disgust.
- “Boss!” He exclaimed, placing various papers in front of him, his face glowing with pride.
- James, you’re the best. He looked at these papers admiringly.
- Looking at James’ red and white face and red-blue eyes, which radiated horror, he asked, “What’s your next plan?”
“James, it’s time to take revenge, you’ve got to expose yourself.” he whispered, and the fire hidden in his tone ignited the suffocation of the room even more, as the growing whispers of the two of them echoed through the room’s silent and dark walls. Having bumped into it, she turned back
“Always attack the enemy’s weakness, not his strength,” he said in a loud voice while blocking the punch that fell on his face with his left hand.
You must always remember this, it is not the enemy’s weakness, find his strength and break it, and turn your weakness into strength and present it to the world. No one can remove your weakness.
When moving the arm, bend it at an angle of eighty-two degrees. As he said lovingly to the girl in the black trouser shirt, he bent his arm at an angle. People target a person’s family as their greatest weakness, but you must make the family a strength, not a weakness. As he shielded his bullet from the punches of his small hand, he leaned back and said, “Boys and girls are present there,” carefully listening to each word, understanding and remembering it.