- His eyes sparkled with curiosity as he carefully read those words written in dull ink.
- “Rahman kaka! Who wrote this here?” He handed out tea to everyone heading outside.”
Those are the words of an officer here. He replied simply, and she stared at him. “Uncle! That’s why I’m asking, whose words are these?” His look of knowledge on his face showed when he stressed his words. She stared at these words as they sat on the wall to the left of the main door of the department, shrugging, as they took the cups of tea and left.
“Captain! Why are you standing here? Captain Ashar, who came out to listen to the call, saw him standing like this and asked Nothing special, just saw this phrase and stopped.” His face changed color when he pointed gravely at the wall. “This has always been one of our officers’ favorite phrases.” He said in a dull tone, and then picked up the phone.
In a curious tone, she turned towards the officers. ” Which officer, Captain?” he asked. “Mar Khor!” Giving a one-word answer, he moved forward, while she repeated his words back to him.
After touching the blood flowing from his face with his fingertips, he had just put a red hand in front of his eyes when a sharp blow to the back of his head caused him to stagger.
As the darkness loomed in front of his eyes, he bent his neck and placed his hands on the wall before him.
He felt a deep pain in his heart, but despite his heart condition, he laughed openly as he bumped his injured back against the wall and raised his blood-stained eyelids to look at him who had incomprehensible expressions in his eyes.