After a long day of exhaustion, the five were returning home. Darkness had settled. On one side of the courtyard, a poplar tree stood with bent branches. On the other side, four tables and thrones were placed, mats spread over the floor. The two men were standing there shooting arrows at each other. Arrows of words.
There are not so many times when I curse him and his wealth and power. His face was red with hatred and anger. He has many times and a lot of respect. Don’t discuss it with those who care.
Respect among people is fear, only fear is not respect. Do you know what respect really means? There is no respect for two cents. It’s ridiculous to think that you can earn respect by running a place like this.
He came into the yard. Nawaf trembled. Has he heard it all? His face had hardness on it. His eyes had embers. As he was leaving, he came into the yard. Nawaf’s lips were bitten. She had left crying. As he was leaving, he came into the yard. He looked at Nawaf.